Wednesday, July 16, 2008 stuck in traffic

I was late to work today...which could be the first time in three years. During the school year, I am on a strict schedule and have to get the little one to school by 7:45 or so. She could get herself there on her own at this point, but it is on the way to work, and we like our morning walks:-)

And then that becomes such a habit that I usually run on the same schedule even when she is not in school. The result is that I sort of consider myself late if I get to my desk and it is not a few minutes before 8:00. Technically I have no schedule, so I guess I can't really be late...but whatever...

Anyway, back to the point of my story. I was getting ready for work this morning and noticed a blackhead on my chin while I was putting makeup on (and by "makeup", I am probably overselling the amount of effort I put into looking good every is about a twenty second process that involves little more than lip gloss). Being a midget, I have to stand on my tip toes and lean over the counter top to get close enough to the mirror to see things up close.

Well, something about that motion gave The Boy a really special feeling and caused him to tell me exactly how much he liked that skirt (it is a pretty nice skirt...I am not gonna is a suit that Smoking Hot Roommate and Big Sis bought me last year and it is really, really nice!!!). Before I knew it, that skirt was crumpled on the floor, and I was leaving hand prints all over the mirror trying to balance myself on the vanity top and lustily instructing him to do very, very dirty things to

So THAT is why I was late for work. And I am not going to apologize for it:-P. Did anyone else possibly have a better start to their day than I did? I doubt it...


anne said...

Oh my god I had the worst morning. And I was LATE to work - rolled in around 9:30. Seriously terrible morning and I even tried to do some seducing since we were already late and even that didn't work. Very bad morning all around.

Stephanie said...

Ooh, sounds like a nice start to the day. :)

Anonymous said...

ugh i freaking hate you. ;)

boohoo said...

Sounds like a great way to start the day! My boyfriend was out the door by 7:30 and I was fast asleep so there was none of that going on in my house this morning hehe.

OC said...

I had that same start to my day a day before you did! Last Tuesday, I was late to work... but I didn't mind at all! ;-)

Good for you!