Friday, August 08, 2008


So, I watched "Almost Famous" last night after chicken fingers...which is just a wonderful, wonderful movie. And one I have seen many times.

There is one part of the movie that always makes me absolutely bawl. Despite the fact that I have seen it so many times, and that I know it is coming. The scene? When William's sister finds him completely broken at the airport and he makes her bring him home.

If you haven't seen the movie (and just why haven't you?!?!?), the sister and the mother have some serious issues early in the movie, and basically stop speaking. The sister leaves to become a flight attendant, and this scene is the first time she sees her mother after that.

And their awkward hug on the porch...where both of the kids are home for the first time in a while...I just kills me. Absolutely tears me up every time.

Anyone have some deep psychological reasoning for this?


Ally said...

I've still not seen that movie and had forgotten about it. Now I shall:)

Happy Friday AM!

Rachel H. said...

I have no reasoning for you, but yes, it's a wonderful movie. I saw it last week! :)

Anonymous said...

yeah we can all probably guess. ;)

have to be honest, this is not a movie i've seen. or really ever wanted to see. maybe i'll check it out.

boohoo said...

I've never seen that film... Don't think I've ever heard of it either...