Thursday, December 27, 2007

Odd signs of maturity

Aaron is apparently catching up on his blog reading because he left a handful of comments yesterday on posts from the last two weeks. And they were pretty funny, so I had like a constant stream of Aaron-wit coming through my inbox all day...

Munchkin is off safely, and I am supremely jealous. I am going to start planning our now-traditional March getaway to make myself feel better. I wish Tinkerbelle's school vacation matched up with ours so that she could some, but it doesn't:-( Any ideas? Florida? Virgin Islands? Bahamas? Mexico? I care only that it has good beaches, and would rather it be as close as possible...

If you recall, when she went away last year, I spent a whole lot of my free time having sex;-) So much so that, as that post details, I was somewhat injured by all of the acrobatics. This year I feel a little bit less urge to take my clothes off every time I am alone with The Boy...I think because we have gotten into a little better rhythm of finding time for each other regularly. His staying over once a week or so and me staying at his place sometimes obviously helps a lot in that regard.

So, while I will clearly take this opportunity to do some serious, bed-shaking fucking, I don't really feel like it needs to be my major goal for the week. Does this mean I am maturing? Before you answer that, know that we both have Monday off and I plan to make a trip to Coolidge Corner to do a little shopping at this place and fully expect to spend the entire day in my bed rediscovering some of the neglected things in my closet full o' fun...

Which brings us to New Year's... Anyone have anything interesting? Big Sis is having a party, and I think the plan is actually dinner, drinks and then meet a whole bunch of other people back at her place at like 10:00 for the rest of the night. The idea is to get out, but not wrestle with the massive crowds at every bar in the city. We will see how it works, but I like the idea:-)

Still super busy...F this work shit...


Anonymous said...

Virgin Islands, hands down. You can fly direct from Boston to St. Thomas and then take a quick ferry to St. John or the British Virgin Islands (I prefer BVI). It's my favorite place on earth, and I'll be back there in 7 weeks and 6 days!!!

ella said...

Hey! You didn't publish my last comment!!!

Accidentally Me said...

EAL - It is a strong contender, and seven weeks is just about when we will be there...

Ella - I didn't reject anything, so if it didn't show up, I didn't get it! What was it?

Anonymous said...

i just got back from puerto rico and it was fabulous. three and a half hour flight and amazing weather. go, go, go!

Aaron said...


I feel dirty, being mentioned in conjunction with all this sucking and er, nevermind.