Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Story time!

Random story time…this has no bearing on anything, but it is funny:-P

There are a couple of key figured in this story. First is BFF(girl), my lifelong best friend, other half and partner in crime. Also, there are two other people that I grew up with who we really don’t need for more than this, so I will call them Ben and Sara, which are two completely random names.

Ben and Sara have been dating since they were about 15…a lot of off and on. They go out, one of them cheats on the other one, or finds someone else, so they break up, then get back together. Really it is very annoying. They aren’t really even friends of mine, sort of “friends of friends”. Especially him, who I really only know through her, and who honestly I never liked that much.

I guess I will start during Christmas break two years ago when I was home for a bit. A bunch of us went out, and I ended up talking to Ben for a while, I am not sure why or about what…it wasn’t all that memorable.

For whatever reason, he called and emailed me a lot after that, like we were good friends. Again, I knew him for like five years before then, but only kind of in passing. Sometimes I would respond or talk to him, but not that often…like I said, I don’t really like him, but I was 1,000 miles away and it was easier to just kind of ignore him than to be a bitch.

Well, the following summer when I was home and trying to figure out what to do with myself and my new fourth grader, I was out with a lot of the same people one night. I probably spent like 10 minutes talking to Ben, maybe less. But the next day, he showed up on my doorstep asking if he could talk to me. Kind of strange, but whatever…so we went to get a cup of coffee.

He told me that he was going to break up with Sara because he didn’t love her, he loved me. He felt like we had a special connection and he wanted to help me with my sister and he wanted us to be together and get an apartment and he would take care of me, etc. Not really what I had expected for coffee…

Really I was kind of pissed off. Partly because he was too stupid to figure out that I didn’t like him that much and had someone created this delusional relationship in his head. But mostly because I had plenty to deal with already and didn’t need his psycho-shit to compound it. So I firmly told him that I wasn’t interested. I don’t even think I did the cursory “You are a great guy, but…” I think it was just a flat “No. I am moving her to Boston, and I am going by myself.”

I would also like the record to show that he did NOT break up with Sara, despite his declaration that he has already decided to. Also, I feel like she was different around me the couple times I saw her after that and maybe she knew something. I don’t really know (side note, should I have told her?). And I left within a couple weeks, so I didn’t give it a whole lot more though.

I was home again last winter, though, and happened to see many of the same people again. BFFg and BFFb dragged me out with them all, despite the fact that I really wanted to not see Ben for, well, pretty obvious reasons. They assured me that I could just avoid him, which was basically true.

Most of the night was fine, but somehow some people got up and moved and I found myself right next to Ben. No kidding, he started in on the same thing…and keep in mind that his girlfriend, still, was sitting across the table…he starts whispering to me that he was serious about that and he is in love with me and still wants me to come back.

I guess a more mature person would have said “This isn’t the time or place,” and left quietly, but that ain’t me. I kind of snapped at him, maybe told him to fuck off and got up. We were all sort of done eating, so I ended up grabbing BFFg and heading for the bar, where I kind of filled her in.

Sara and Ben, meanwhile, got into a huge fight and sort of yelled their way over into the bar. Well, he left, and she decided to turn her anger on me. I was trying to steal her boyfriend (her useless, ugly, stupid boyfriend) and destroying her life and I was a harpy and a tramp and I ruined High School Boyfriend’s life and now I wasn’t gonna do the same to her and Ben.

I was actually kind of cool during all this. I told her that I don’t know what it was, that I have no interest and that I have never, and would never speak to him of my own volition. She wasn’t right, though, and kept calling me names. This is about when BFFg started to get pretty pissed and started yelling herself.

Sara said something about me being a slut and BFFg decided that she had said enough, so she popped her right in the mouth. Lol…I know, I know, this is not really lady like behavior and is not something I should be proud of, but whatever, it was hilarious. She threw a right hand and knocked her straight down on the floor.

I don’t really know what happened after that…I was kind of in shock, and kind of laughing a LOT, and we got thrown out of the bar, so I didn’t really see the aftermath. Most of the other people were pretty understanding about what a weirdo Ben can be and felt bad that it got kind of ugly.

The good news is that I don’t hear from him anymore;-) Or from her…they are living together and getting married next year. Yea, you read that correctly…

Who thinks I should go to the wedding? I could absolutely score an invite as the +1 for any one of a bunch of guys…

Anyway, that is just one of many stories about me and BFFg…there are others that involve knives and gang fights…lol. Maybe some other day.

Meantime, Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!


Bob said...

Sounds pretty funny. I hate it when people wierd out. I probably would go to the wedding, just for a piece of cake.

Whine Girl said...

I wouldn't go.

Ally said...

I hope you and Munchkin had a wonderful Thansgiving!